Solo Duo Skyline Mini Heli Base
High in the skies mini heli base, this base is elevated restricting access to those of the skies only. Features: Low cost upkeep - 5K metal \ 2.5 stone - variable on how you upgrade 2 Unlootable loot rooms Vending machine storage\Protection Hidden TC Hidden 2nd loot room. Loads of storage Un-drainable shotgun traps at every doorway Vanilla game play designed for a solo or duo. Build this anywhere as its foot print is four SQ foundations.
High in the skies mini heli base, this base is elevated restricting access to those of the skies only. Features: Low cost upkeep - 5K metal \ 2.5 stone - variable on how you upgrade 2 Unlootable loot rooms Vending machine storage\Protection Hidden TC Hidden 2nd loot room. Loads of storage Un-drainable shotgun traps at every doorway Vanilla game play designed for a solo or duo. Build this anywhere as its foot print is four SQ foundations.