Solo Duo Boat Base | Roof Trick Vault | Hidden Loot Rooms
Featuring: - Roof trick to prevent door raiders, forcing them to go through walls. - Hidden loot room protected by undrainable shot gun traps - Each doorway has undrainable shotgun traps - Shoot nose piece to prevent door campers and allows defending base - Optional heli storage - Easy Roof access Completed this costs around 5k metal, 2.5 stone and 35 HQ upkeep.
Featuring: - Roof trick to prevent door raiders, forcing them to go through walls. - Hidden loot room protected by undrainable shot gun traps - Each doorway has undrainable shotgun traps - Shoot nose piece to prevent door campers and allows defending base - Optional heli storage - Easy Roof access Completed this costs around 5k metal, 2.5 stone and 35 HQ upkeep.