Cost is 15K Metal, 15K Stone, 10HQ Features: Trio Mini Heli Storage 6 Unlootable Loot Rooms Shooting Floors in every direction All doorways protected by un-drainable shot gun traps Roof vault sealed with stability Entrance sealed with BBQ Roof Trick This was a build request by a subscriber, its a long video, please enjoy, yes I realize I still suck at this. Cheers.
Trio to Zerg Triple Roof Vault Stability Sealed BBQ Roof Mini Heli Base (So frigging Wordy..)
Cost is 15K Metal, 15K Stone, 10HQ Features: Trio Mini Heli Storage 6 Unlootable Loot Rooms Shooting Floors in every direction All doorways protected by un-drainable shot gun traps Roof vault sealed with stability Entrance sealed with BBQ Roof Trick This was a build request by a subscriber, its a long video, please enjoy, yes I realize I still suck at this. Cheers.
Star Wars Arcade | Live Marquee | Dual Monitors | LED Projector
Fun little project. Star Wars Dark Side Arcade. This was about 40 hrs of build time over several weeks. Thin design saves on space. Collectible Star Wars Pilot Helmet. Built from scratch. Cabinet design taken off a original arcade cabinet, customized for depth (No longer needed on LCD screens) Features: - Dual Monitors - Live Marquee - HyperSpin Front End - Star Wars Collector Piece (Pilot Helmet) - Custom Star Wars Decals - Star Wars LED Darth Vader Projector - Custom Lighting
Duo Trio Mini Heli Boat Base | Rust Base Design 2019
Features: - 2 Unlootable loot rooms (16 Rockets\22k sulfur gain full access) - 2 Stacked Roof Vaults (15 rockets\22K sulfur to breach each) - 1 Undrain-able front door trap (8 rockets\12K sulfur to destory) - Roof access with cover for fighting - Boat house large enough for two boats - Mini Heli landing\launch pad - Mini Heli Storage - 3 Shooting nose pieces for base defense UPKEEP: 5K stone, 5K metal 20-50HQ (Depending on your wealth) TOTAL BUILD: 27K Stone, 10K wood, 20K Metal Frags, 150 HQ **This can be build in stages as well starting with first vault, expand to boathouse, then 2nd floor - second vault and heli storage. Finally honeycombing to complete.
Solo\Duo Vanishing Loot Room | Rust Base Design 2019
This is a build request from Evil Wurst to make use of his Vanishing Loot Room. This features a hidden suicide room to grab the vanishing loot, a second hidden loot room as a last resort to hide loot, three shooting floors, three drain-able traps, three sealed windows loot rooms. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Stability Vault Base | Rust Base Design 2019
This very cheap base is protected from both stability front entrance, roof\door vault. Shooting floor. Fully upgraded this base would cost over 25K sulfur to raid. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Revisit - Duo Trio Vault Grand Boat Base | Rust Base Design 2019
This is a rehash of my build, this version uses BBQ roof trick to seal base up, stability trick to block access to second floor and roof vault design for main loot. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Stable 1x2 Starter Permanent | Rust Base Design 2019
Includes: Shooting nose, stability sealed, hidden loot room\unlootable loot room. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Stable Stupid Base | Rust Base Design 2019
Solo base using stability and hidden loot room. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders. The base you get stuck expanding etc where terrain blocks you, you are under pressure and need to build quick.
Duo Trio Boat Base | Rust Base Design 2019
Features two exploits that block raiders into your base. Using Roof\Door for vault access, stability to seal entrance to vault\second floor. Two vaults within vault are protected using vending machine. Large un-lootable room in vault protecting further gear. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
warriorpoet1978's Live PS4 Broadcast
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Duo Vault Base | Triple Exploit Protect | Rust Base Design 2019
Duo Vault Base, triple exploit protect. Sealed Entrance using BBQ wall, stability sealed vault and finally roof blocking exploit to enter vault. Min of about 30K sulfur to get into vault. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Stable Penthouse Rust Base Design 2019
Small footprint, stability protection from door raiders. Tricky trap placement make it very hard to raid. Load it with garage doors and this becomes very expensive to raid. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Stable Boat Base | Rust Base Design 2019
Solo Boat Base, uses stability to stop door raiders. Simple Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Tree Fort | Rust Base Design 2019
Tuck it away in a forest, make sure the foundations are upgraded to metal as soon as possible. HQ would be my suggestion. Add more foundation with build frames would make it expensive to foundation raid this. This build is more for fun over practical however with lots of garage doors this would be very expensive to raid.
Solo Duo Boat Base V1 | Rust Base Design 2019
Features hidden loot room, stability to prevent door raiders, loads of honeycombing.
Roof Over Your Head | Rust Base Design 2019
Multi-Layered Roof base build, features two stability tricks, Panic Room to hide loot, hidden TC. Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders.
Solo Stable 1x1 | Rust Base Design 2019
Latest design using any available tricks to keep you base intact from Raiders. This uses stability trick to prevent door raiders while you are offline. Good sniper slots to ward off door campers or defend base if being raided. Great for Solo and could support a duo.
Rusty BBQ Airlock | Rust Base Build 2019
Sealed Airlock prevents door raids and forces players to go through walls making it very costly. Add a shotgun trap behind wall and while online getting over the wall is near impossible.
Rusty BBQ Airlock | Rust Base Build 2019
BBQ Airlock, using half wall floor frame and a wall
Breeze 171022112959 005
Breeze Drone Video 1
Star Wars Arcade Build 5 | Dark Side Cabinet
HyperSpin Front End, Dual Monitors, LED Projector Lighting. Do you manage multiple KODI boxes? For family or a few in your house. Annoying and of my own making I manage them for all my family. The biggest problem is if their is a update usually a ADDON will stop working. If your streaming or just simply updating this becomes a massive pain. I usually try to setup KODI using s specific theme so I can walk each family member through navigation etc if they have problems. Want them all the same? And updated from a single source here is how. KODI and SYNCTHING your centralized solution. This example below is setup on a windows 7 64 BIT OS: (Why windows 7 - less bells and whistles then windows 10 and for a pure media center it allows for more customization ) Step 1: Start by downloading KODI get it setup with all your addons - I use the PLEX add on to sync to my plex server. I set the KODI theme to CONFLUENCE or AMBER both are simple and easy to work with. Step 2: Download Syncthing - For this blog I am using it on Windows so download their SyncTrazyor which is a nice little windows app. Install it. Step 3: Within the SyncTrazyor you chose which folder you wish to share with everyone. For windows you will need to sync - c:\users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\KODI Step 4:
Next take note of MD5 ID - Located under the COG wheel named Actions at the top right. The ID is what allows you to add this primary share on remote devices. Step 5: To make this more seemless, and only if you use this a pure media center. I create a simply BATCH file on the computer. Example below. Basically it kills Explorer.exe, starts Sync and then starts kodi. Now I wrapped the very same batch file in a EXE that runs silent. If you wish to use it your more then welcome. Please note I did not pay the 179.99 to register it so your AV might complain. Here is the link from my ONEDRIVE account. Basically place it in your startup folder or create a shortcut to it in the start up folder. BATCH FILE EXAMPLE: ======================================================================= echo off taskkill /im explorer.exe /f "C:\Program Files\SyncTrayzor\SyncTrayzor.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\kodi.exe" ======================================================================= Place the batch file in a safe spot, create a shortcut and place it in your startup folder. C:\Users\"Your Username"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup You also want to set your user to auto login and have the password never expire. Step 6: Remote computer, follow the same setup as above but when it comes time to setup SyncTrayzor we are not sharing we connect to the KODIMASTER computer. Step 7: Open SYNCTRAYZOR from the taskbar on the remote machine. You will need to "ADD Remote Device" which is located on the bottom right. You can see from my picture below, this is my master machine. But the remote devices can be added you just need their ID (Actions Cog wheel) So on your remote machine add the ID of your KODI Master machine. This takes time to link - so depending on your internet speed just sit back and wait. You will need to jump on your KODI MASTER machine and allow it to connect, a yellow bar will ask you to add it. You add and share the APPDATA folder you have already synced. So share it with your remote system. Step 8: Back on your remote system, a yellow bar will show up asking you to add the KODI MASTER share. This is where you will need to go to your APPDATA install of KODI. DONT DO THIS QUIT YET. READ BELOW c:\users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\KODI Delete all contents in this folder, yes thats right I said delete everything, don't worry we are getting this back from your KODIMASTER system. So to confirm on your remote computer, delete all the contents but leave the folder. Once all the files are gone but the folder still exists, go back to SYNCTRAYZOR. Now we add the shared folder - It will ask you to save it somewhere. Choose this same path. c:\users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\KODI It should start Syncthing the files FROM you KODIMASTER to your remote computer. Once its 100% you should be good to go. Do a reboot - the PC should auto start, auto login to your user account and start SYNCTHING then KODI with all your addons, theme etc setup the exact same as your KODIMASTER. For me this saves me adding the streaming APPS, updating KODI, themes the addons which constantly break and require updates. I do this on one machine and it updates them all. You now have a single source to update, like a ONERING to rule them all. STEP 1: Download the SCP driver packaged here. You can get it elsewhere I don't really care where. The link is from my one drive. STEP 2: Under program files, least this is where I placed mine, you can place the extracted folder anywhere. I create a folder called PS3 c:\Program Files\PS3 Place the extracted zip file in that folder - the default extracted name is "SCPServer" ![]() STEP 3: Before proceeding plug in your PS3 into the USB port on your computer. This is needed to install the device drivers for it. Go into the "BIN" sub folder and you will see several files and exe's like so. First EXE you want to run is "SCPDriver.exe" STEP 4: Once you open SCPDriver click on install (NOTE click forced install if everything doesn't install). You should get a UAC popup or "Trust Applicatio" pop up. Say yes to everything and continue. It should show both USB driver and few other packages installed. Most important it should include the bluetooth driver in the install. STEP 5: FINAL step when you remove the PS3 from USB it should auto sync with your bluetooth. Please note this converts your bluetooth into a dedicated connection, other blue tooth devices will no longer work. You must then uninstall using the application again to remove drivers. Hope this helps. Happy gaming.
It beings here asking for the IP address or hostname of the remote computer, you can even use "localhost" if you want to test it on your local system. Next it gather some WMIC info on the machine your removing it from, current user, make, model, serial number etc. This helps you keep track and know you are running it on the correct machine. You can still exit at this point before it runs the uninstall command. After it gets the WMIC product installation ID for "Symantec Endpoint Protection" it runs the MSIEXEC with the install string to uninstall the software. Once complete it does another WMIC get to see if the product is still listed as installed, then prompts you to try again if it still shows as installed or exit. I have included a download link here
Any questions please feel free to contact me. |