Windows 8 Start Menu:
Bringing it back like its 1999. For those of you have missed it I have it. There are a number of start menu options out there. I took from serveral offerings out there and made a simple install.
Using http://www.classicshell.net/ free open source start menu. I extracted it and created a simple install/uninstall.
My install opens a simple DOS screen and prompts for 2 choices.
1: Install Start Menu
2: Uninstall Start Menu
When you install it does the following.
1. Copies files to c:\windows\start2
2. Adds registry key for the settings to "HKCU\Sofware\IVOSoft"
3. Adds a Scheduled task at login to run exe.
4. Starts the EXE (start menu)
Uninstalling removes Registry Key, Deletes directory (c:windows\start2) and deletes scheduled task It sets a final scheduled tasks that will run next logon to delete the remaining folder and all tasks related to it.. Remember to log off and back on for the start menu to completely be removed.
I have included a link to my SkyDrive download. StartMenuDownload
Let me know what you think? Again taking no credit for the actual creation of the start menu - just simplified the install.
** *Update I have updated the link above for the startmenu***
***I didn't pay for code signing so your AV will complain***
Always download and test on stand alone machines. I wrote this script using CLASSIC Shell start menu. Simplified the install. Let me know what you think.
Bringing it back like its 1999. For those of you have missed it I have it. There are a number of start menu options out there. I took from serveral offerings out there and made a simple install.
Using http://www.classicshell.net/ free open source start menu. I extracted it and created a simple install/uninstall.
My install opens a simple DOS screen and prompts for 2 choices.
1: Install Start Menu
2: Uninstall Start Menu
When you install it does the following.
1. Copies files to c:\windows\start2
2. Adds registry key for the settings to "HKCU\Sofware\IVOSoft"
3. Adds a Scheduled task at login to run exe.
4. Starts the EXE (start menu)
Uninstalling removes Registry Key, Deletes directory (c:windows\start2) and deletes scheduled task It sets a final scheduled tasks that will run next logon to delete the remaining folder and all tasks related to it.. Remember to log off and back on for the start menu to completely be removed.
I have included a link to my SkyDrive download. StartMenuDownload
Let me know what you think? Again taking no credit for the actual creation of the start menu - just simplified the install.
** *Update I have updated the link above for the startmenu***
***I didn't pay for code signing so your AV will complain***
Always download and test on stand alone machines. I wrote this script using CLASSIC Shell start menu. Simplified the install. Let me know what you think.